Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves

Can We Beat The Bulge? - Fat Shadow
Different authors, experts, doctors, etc., etc. have tried to get the right answer but, unfortunately, the right answer seems to evade, at one point or another, the great majority of efforts.  Through the years we have gained, collectively, lots of weight.  The  majority of us are in the obese and above category; not because we do not try to control our weight but, because we try and try and nothing seems to work.  Well, some of the recommendations, diet, eating habits, exercising routines championed by some of the experts do work but, not for every one.  In an effort to present our readers with options, we bring to you, our reader, some material that could help.  Only by trying you will find what works or not for you.

In his book, “BODY RESET Diet”, Harley Pasternak presents an innovative approach to “Shed Pound in Just 15 Days”.

Read this book description below, it could very well be your answer “to beat the bulge”.

Book Description

We’ve gone way overboard trying to beat the bulge. We’ve tried every diet out there—low-carb, low-fat, all-grapefruit—and spent hours toiling on treadmills and machines. The truth is, complicated diets and extreme cleanses promise nothing but short-term results, and overdoing it at the gym doesn’t always help you lose weight (in fact, over-the-top workouts actually supercharge your appetite, often causing you to eat more than you should). It’s time to hit the “reset button” and start over with a new perspective on weight loss.

Now, expert trainer and New York Times bestselling author Harley Pasternak offers the ultimate plan to reboot your system and set you on the right path to a thinner, healthier, happier life.

The Body Reset Diet is so simple yet so effective that you’ll immediately lose weight no matter how many times you’ve tried in the past. And you won’t boomerang back either. You’ll transition smoothly into a sustainable, nutrient-rich plan that keeps your metabolism primed to burn fat all day long—without ever setting foot in a gym!

This three-phase program focuses on the easiest, most effective way to slim down: blending. The 5-day jump start includes delicious, expertly crafted smoothies (White Peach Ginger, Apple Pie, and Piña Colada, to name a few), dips, snacks, and soups—all customizable to your preferences and dietary restrictions—that keep you satisfied while boosting your metabolism. Over the following 10 days, you’ll reintroduce healthy combinations of your favorite foods along with the blended recipes to keep your metabolism humming, so you’ll continue to scorch calories and shed pounds. The plan also explains how the easiest form of exercise—walking—along with light resistance training is all it takes to achieve the celebrity-worthy physique you’ve always wanted. No equipment necessary!

Whether you’re looking to lose significant weight or just those last 5 pounds, The Body Reset Diet offers a proven program to hit the reset button, slim down, and get healthy in just 15 days—and stay that way for good!


“I live for Harley’s smoothies! They are so easy to make, help me feel full, and taste incredible!”
–Kim Kardashian

“The Body Reset Diet makes healthy eating easier. The smoothies are simple to prepare, taste great, and are the perfect breakfast or snack when I’m on the go.”
–Amanda Seyfried

“The Body Reset Diet proves that you don’t have to suffer, starve, or make huge lifestyle changes to lose weight, feel great, and look fantastic!”
–Hilary Duff

“People think that celebrities do crazy things to lose weight, but Harley taught me that I don’t have to. In The Body Reset Diet, he outlines simple concepts that are easy to follow even when you’re working non-stop or traveling like me.”
–Maria Menounos

“I tried every diet out there and failed. Nothing was sustainable. Harley taught me how to get be in the best shape of my life by eating more and working out less!”
–Jordana Brewster

About the Author

HARLEY PASTERNAK is the New York Times best-selling author of 5-Factor Diet, and was the co-host on ABC’s The Revolution. He holds a Masters of Science in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Sciences from the University of Toronto. He lives in New York City and Los Angeles.

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