Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves

3-Day Detox – After The Party The Detox

TheImportanceOfDetoxWell, after all the holidays and partying we need to reflect and go back to our Healthy Eating, Healthy Life.
Perhaps, you are one who took the partying responsibly and did not overindulged during the holidays but, the way I see it, “detoxing”, ever so often, is always good. In the past I used to fast for 24 hours on Fridays. People asked me if it was for religious reason and my answer was: “No, I like to ‘fast’ on Fridays so I can ‘slow’ during the rest of the week-end” (lol). Actually, that was my way of “detoxing” and saving some of my meal allowance (more lol).

Why is detoxification important? Continue reading

Can We Beat The Bulge? - Fat Shadow
Different authors, experts, doctors, etc., etc. have tried to get the right answer but, unfortunately, the right answer seems to evade, at one point or another, the great majority of efforts.  Through the years we have gained, collectively, lots of weight.  The  majority of us are in the obese and above category; not because we do not try to control our weight but, because we try and try and nothing seems to work.  Well, some of the recommendations, diet, eating habits, exercising routines championed by some of the experts do work but, not for every one.  In an effort to present our readers with options, we bring to you, our reader, some material that could help.  Only by trying you will find what works or not for you.

In his book, “BODY RESET Diet”, Harley Pasternak presents an innovative approach to “Shed Pound in Just 15 Days”. Continue reading

Slim Down Oh So Fast For Your Healthiest Body Ever!!!

Click on the picture to see this informative video

Maybe you’ve seen my good friend and colleague, Dr. Mark Hyman, in the news lately.His new book, The Blood Sugar Solution, has soared to the top of The New York Times and bestsellers lists, and it promises to revolutionize how we think about our health, way we treat high blood sugar, and type 2 diabetes. Continue reading