Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves

How To Fight Stress Through Healthy Eating

Stress is a condition that makes us jittery, unrefreshed, and unable to sleep at night. Stress also tends to allow us to make poor, unhealthy food choices. However, healthy Stressed mother with two childreneating can actually reduce stress, and make you feel so much better. Here are a number of helpful hints for fighting stress, through healthy eating.

Skip The Coffee And Other Caffeinated Drinks

Coffee, caffeinated drinks and beverages can exacerbate your stress levels. While some only provide temporary relief, these affect your body in the long run, because too much sugar and caffeine increases your blood sugar levels, and also heightens your stress levels. Instead of coffee, drink green tea, since green tea contains high levels of antioxidants, and also soothes the senses.

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