Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves
Photography by Alexander Nieves

How Small Changes Can Improve Your Health

According to a number of dietitians and nutritionists,making small changes to your diet, as well as your lifestyle, can do a great deal towards improving your weight and cholesterol levels, and also enhances you overall well-being. A healthy eating plan generally involves making those small but significant changes to what you eat, and how you eat. Here’s why how small diet changes can have positive effects on you health.

Switch To Healthy Fats

A few decades back, when we were told to cut back on dietary fat, many of us sadly went extreme, and actually gave up on good nutrition as well. A healthy diet includes the consumption of healthy fats and oils, which derive from fish, legumes and nuts. Low-fat diets can also help to increase the body’s level of HLD, or good cholesterol. Good sources of healthy cholesterol include fatty fish, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, and is good for the heart. Continue reading

Eating Tips To Keep In Mind

As the old adage goes, “you are what you eat”. If your regular diet consists of fat andEating Teenager cholesterol-rich foods, you may run the risk of developing dreadful diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and more. According to nutrition experts, healthy eating starts with learning the ability to “eat smart”. It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. The food you choose to eat can help decrease your chances of developing illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and others. Learn how to plan your diet, and expand your range of healthy food choices too. Here are some helpful tips for planning a healthy diet.

Start Slow, And Gradually Change Your Eating Habits Continue reading